Sponsorship Information

about We've hosted free software development conferences since 2008. Our events are funded only by the good will of the community and sponsors like you!
audience Computer software industry in Iowa and surrounding states.
attendees Averages 240 attendees, primarily computer software developers who are engaged in self improvement and their careers.
reach Email list of 2,000 recipients, made up almost completely of those that have attended an event in the past.
general All sponsors will be conveyed leading up to and throughout the event in various ways. Your logo will appear on the Iowa Code Camp website, promotional materials, handouts, and social media.
sponsor level remaining cost benefits
Event Sponsor 0$3,500
  • The overall Iowa Code Camp is promoted as 'sponsored by' your organization.
  • Exclusive opportunity to provide name badges and lanyards for all attendees.
  • Exclusive invitation for 4 to the speaker dinner.
  • Dedicated banner with your logo and ICC branding.
  • All benefits of the Table Sponsor
  • Prominent logo placement among sponsors.
After Party Sponsor 1$2,500
  • After party promoted with the name of your organization.
  • Exclusive invitation for 8 to the speaker dinner.
  • Dedicated banner with your logo and ICC branding.
  • The opportunity to exclusively distribute swag at after party.
  • All benefits of the Table Sponsor
  • Prominent logo placement among sponsors.
Lunch Sponsor 1$2,500
  • Lunch is promoted as 'sponsored by' your organization
  • Example: 'Lunch sponsored by ABC Company'
  • You can display organization signage at the lunch event.
  • All benefits of the Table Sponsor
  • Prominent logo placement among sponsors.
Registration Desk Sponsor 0$2,000
  • Exclusive access to support the registration desk the day of the event.
  • Exclusive invitation for 2 to the speaker dinner.
  • All benefits of the Table Sponsor
  • Prominent logo placement among sponsors.
Speaker Dinner Sponsor 1$2,000
  • Speaker Dinner is promoted as 'sponsored by' your organization.
  • Exclusive invitation for 8 to the speaker dinner.
  • Dedicated banner with your logo and ICC branding.
  • All benefits of the Table Sponsor
  • Prominent logo placement among sponsors.
Breakfast Sponsor 0$1,500
  • Breakfast promoted as 'sponsored by' your organization
  • Dedicated banner with your logo and ICC branding.
  • Prominent logo placement among sponsors.
Table Sponsor 5$1,500
  • A table and black tablecloth at the event to use how you see fit.
  • Room for a backdrop banner
  • Room for a tall roll up banner
  • Opportunity to participate in Sponsor Bingo. (encourages attendees to visit all tables)
Room Sponsor 4$500
  • A room named after your organization during the event.
  • Opportunity to introduce your company and speakers in your room throughout the day.
  • Dedicated banner with your logo, ICC branding, and the rooms schedule.
Keynote Sponsor 0TBD
  • Exclusive opportunity to provide, introduce, and interview a keynote speaker.
  • Must have a software development focus.
  • Dedicated banner with your logo and ICC branding.
Supporters Unlimited$500 or more
  • When giving away donated door prizes, sponsor is named as the donator.

Swag For Your Bag

We are always interested in having swag from our sponsors to either put in the attendees' bag or to set out for them to pick up. If you have items you would like to distribute, please let us know.

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